Acne is a blemish that is common to adolescent and for most adolescent, while some people utilize makeup to cover up blemishes. Blemishes are a natural phenomenon and many teenagers experience breakouts throughout their adolescence.
Meanwhile, makeup is a means of expression as well as artistry, In theory, this would aid in covering one’s blemishes. However, with the adequate techniques and products, anyone can conceal those pesky bumps. I personally have incorporated many new tactics and products into my everyday makeup routine. Doing so, I have accomplished a full coverage look with a minimal amount of makeup. I have learned to follow makeup routines that work best for my skin. Everyone has a different skin type and texture; what works for some might not work for you. I encountered some degree of difficulty attempting to conceal my bumps, which made me less confident in myself. Before applying anything to your face, you must first understand your skin and body. During winter months, my skin is dry, which gives the acne a more scab-like appearance. In turn, I would intensify my moisturizing and priming routine prior to applying foundation. This is just one example of the many discoveries I have assembled over the years. Just below are steps that aided me in achieving a full coverage look with a minimal amount of makeup on my acne prone skin. Also, product suggestions are incorporated in the steps for a more descriptive step by step process.

First, start by moisturizing the skin. Moisturizing prior to priming can contribute to nourishing the skin. A superb moisturizer I use is the Tatcha Water Cream Moisturizer. Even though this product is fairly expensive, it provides a poreless appearance and is absolutely oil-free. Minimizing pores can contribute to reducing acne in the sense that the makeup should not clog one’s pores. After that, set your face with a setting powder to lock in the moisture. An excellent setting power that I utilize is the KVD Vegan Beauty Lock-it setting powder. This setting powder provides light coverage on the skin as well as accomplishes a matte finish. This light coverage powder helps to limit the amount of makeup on one’s face. Also, this somewhat conceals the redness of the blemishes. Then, utilize your setting spray and distribute this across your face.
These are just a few tips and products that I have incorporated into my makeup routine. Compared to my previous years, my makeup is now flawless and natural. Due to these techniques and products I was able to conceal my blemishes yet still be able to have a natural appearance. As I stated before, utilize the tips that work best for you and your skin. Everyone’s skin and even acne behaves in a different manner. Find what works best for you. What worked for me might not work for you. However, life is all about trial and error. If I never tried new products and tricks, my makeup would still visually appear as a melting candle. Remember that experiencing acne breakouts is completely normal and you do not have to use makeup in order to feel beautiful. However, if you merely enjoy the artistry of makeup then, these steps will guide you. This is certainly a makeup routine that will last. You will just have to bake and wait.